It has been awhile since I have taken time for myself to just sit down and write. I think I have almost forgotten how. As much as I love being a mother, (my son is sitting in his exersaucer clapping as I type) I have to remind myself that it is VERY important for me to take some time just to be me.
Now, for some people this may not be an issue… but for some strange and inexplicable reason, I have never, and I mean never been good at taking me time. When I was in college it was about doing my school work and working, and hanging out with friends, and when I got married it has been about doing things for my husband and keeping the house clean and going to work. Now that I am a mom, well, you get the idea.
It is my personal goal to make time for myself. Okay, I have said it… now to do it. That is the hard part, the saying “easier said than done” was not just pulled out of thin air. My first step is sitting here typing in my blog. I am intending this to be done no less than once a week, I want to keep my creative juices flowing.
One thing that has brought to the fore front of my attention that I need ‘me time’ is that I have been getting sick. I tend to be a high strung person, and in combination with a medical condition, that is not a good thing. I am attempting to bring down that string a lot lower, I just am not sure how… I am working on getting myself ‘centered’ or to that calm and relaxed place in my life, and would welcome any suggestions. I NEED to take care of myself. Well, I guess the taking care of myself is done for the moment, as my little man is clamoring for momma’s attention. More later.