
Monday, March 7, 2011

My Relationship to the story of Joseph

As I am sure I have mentioned in previous posts, I have been using organizational tools provided by the Simple Mom. Ofcourse being the obsessive compulsive person I am, and one who loves to ‘tweek’ things, I have taken it and made it my own.

The basic idea is that at the top there are the ‘most important things’ followed by what’s for dinner and ‘work’ then Today’s to do list, and Today’s general plan, then the daily cleaning. ( I have another sheet with the menu plan and total cleaning list for the week. I write down in my today’s to do list those things from the weekly list that I have chosen to do, some weeks it is by room, others it is by type of surface or task. This “daily docket” is my accountability tool. It asks me to write down the must do’s, the should do’s, and the want to do’s, so that I have a guide for my day.

Next to the most important things is possibly the most important thing for me to focus on. It is the “Daily Scripture”. I changed what she had written, at this moment I do not recall what that was. I have been using a book that was given to me years ago, written by Max Lucado. “Grace for the Moment” provides a scripture and experts from Lucado’s books pertaining to the scripture. My main goal in life, and especially right now, is to focus on those scriptures. Not only to read what Lucado has to say about them, but to make them my own.

Today’s scripture was “May the God you serve all the time, save you” Daniel 6:16.

The awesome thing about God is, his love is unconditional. Although I may not be there 100 % of the time, he still loves me. I get so caught up in my life, (getting things done, getting frustrated at things) I often forget to serve him.

It is my prayer Lord, that you save me from this pit I have fallen into called distraction (by things). Do for me what you did for Joseph, and as I move closer to the throne, help me to be a faithful servent, as you did for Joseph. Help me to see those you surround me with as a blessing, even though it may not be where I want to be. Help me to be faithful in serving them, and to be a light to them.

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