
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Me and my house

Okay- so here are the pictures of my house I promised(not such great quality I know). And one of me at 12.5 weeks. I am now at 14 weeks. and will have a new pic soon.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Baby Names

It is not an easy task trying to pick out a baby name. There those names you like, but your husband doesn't, and there are those names that are associated with a person you care not to remember, and the list goes on. Well, we have decided on the names.... Ronin Kael Olson for a boy and Madalyn Grace Olson if it is a girl.

Just had to share them with you all!!!! and next time I post I will have a pic of me and the baby (about 3 inches now)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Well- we are finally in the new house!!! It is WONDERFUL, but messy. I have yet to take pictures but will add them as soon as I do. I just thought I would update everyone the status of moving, as per last blog entry I was waiting waiting waiting. Lets just say that Mike and I have decided to stay at this place for the next 10 years because we HATE the process of buying a house. Way to much stress.
I am at work, so really should get back to being productive. But those pics will be up soon, I promise.